

Apiguaco® Spray is a product based on propolis extract, honey, and guaco extract (Mikania glomerata). It has a sweet and pleasant taste.

How to use: Use as necessary, three to four times a day. Shake before use.

  • Sweet and pleasant taste

    Sweet and pleasant taste

  • Breath freshener and purifier

    Breath freshener and purifier



Propolis extract, Mikania glomerata extract, xanthan gum, honey and aqua.



Avoid contact with eyes

Stop using in case of any sign of hypersensitivity

Store in a cool place

<strong> Propolis </strong>


Propolis is a complex blend, formed by resinous and balsamic material collected from plants by Apis mellifera bees, in addition to saliva and enzymes added by the bees themselves.

Several studies have already proven propolis benefits, which include immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, healing, antifungal, antioxidant and hepatoprotective activities.

<strong> Guaco </strong>


Original from South America, guaco (Mikania glomerata) is found throughout Brazil. It has known beneficial effects on the respiratory system.

Coumarin, and essential oils, such as kaurenoic, grandifloric, cinnamoylgrandifloric and kaurenol acids, are some of the substances of its composition. Additionally, it contains β-sitosterol, friedelin, stigmasterol, hydrolysable tannins, flavonoids and saponin.

Studies demonstrate that guaco causes bronchodilation and relaxation of the respiratory smooth muscles, followed by anti-inflammatory and antiallergic activities, which are extremely beneficial in the treatment of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

<strong> Honey </strong>


Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by bees from floral nectar and sugary secretions from other parts of plants.

It is composed of approximately 75 – 80% carbohydrates, 0.38% proteins, 0.1% acids from fruits and 0.2% minerals. In addition to its nutritional properties, honey provides sedative and emollient effects.
